Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Oh hi.

I, having just been looking at my brother's amazing blog (here: remembered that I have a blog on this website; besides my tumblr, which is probably a lot more along the lines of the person that I have become since beginning this horrible blog.

So what's new in my life since that time? I believe I have become a lot closer with God and have progressed further in my walk with Him. I've also drawn close to certain people and then drifted away again. Relationships have come and gone and crazy thoughts have passed through my head, including the one at this current point in time that I still can't shake. (It will end eventually I'm sure... I hope)
Aside from that there's really not a lot interesting going on, I do love my life and that is it really.

Oh, and we ('we' being some mates from church) decided this evening that we're taking a trip to Rarotonga in early January! I thought that exciting enough to be worthy of mention.

Oh and if you're interested you can check out my tumblr here:

Ciao for now =)