Saturday, December 6, 2008

So here i am to blog the crap outta it

of course my day wasn't up to my expectations, i had my expectations of myself set too hight yet again. well after we parted i walked towards the mall and shopping by myself, how freaking lame is that? I was to be found in Jay Jays hunting through a seeminly endless mountain of t-shirts to find something somewhat tasteful lol.

so i suppose the most intersting thing was the bus ride back home on which i discovered a bus driver who seemed to be "one of the nice ones" as well as a complete dick haha. i.e "one of the nice ones" a little girl got onto the bus not realizing she had no money on her metro card so he says "is it your birthday today?" he repeated this a few times until she finally got the picture and starts beaming at him "heres your birthday present then," he says, hehe. a few stops after that a kid gets on places $2 and asks for a child fare "and how much is a child fare?" he asked gruffly "a dollar forty," says the kid, "then remember next time one dollar forty!" he just about yelled.

wow i guess some people are just really unpredictable huh? so thats day in passing, possibly even to be topped in boringness by tomorow, stay tuned =p

Friday, December 5, 2008

so here i found myself reading Twilight, i'm enthralled by it and wait, what am i doing writing this and not reading it right now? hahah. i guess i tend to procrastinate even with things i really enjoy, kinda strange ae?

well once again in my extremely boring life i shall leave you in my amped state of mind not quite sure if i'm ready for what might go down with my "gf" today.....

well well

so this is a blog right? i'm new to this whole game so i might forget to update it every now and then. my idea of a blog is to tell people your life story day by day, would that be correct? well lets start off with who i am anyway, if any of you strange people out there happen to care.

i'm Reuben
i'm Christian
i'm straight
i'm taken
i'm addicted to music.

there you go, i'll scribble on here another time
bye for now